Legal Notice

This website has been created and revised with great care. If you should find any errors or have positive feedback, comments or questions relating to the website, please feel free to contact our Homepage team, giving exact details of individual pages or sections to:

Information according to §5 of the Tele Media Act (TMG)

contrimo GmbH
Konrad-Zuse-Ring 23
68163 Mannheim

T: +49 621 45 18 01 0

Managing Directors:
Michael Gfroerer
Matthias Rossbach
Dirk Mueller

Register Court: Amtsgericht Mannheim
Register Number: HRB 708898
VAT ID No.: DE270495164

Responsible for Content under § 7 TMG:
Michael Gfroerer
Matthias Rossbach

Links to other Websites

The website contains links to external websites. Despite careful control of the content and since these websites are not subject to our influence, we cannot assume any liability for their contents or data protection policy. The content of the linked pages is in the sole responsibility of their operators.

Legal Notice Copy Right

Copyright © 2024 contrimo GmbH in Mannheim. All rights reserved.
The information contained on this website is protected by copyright. No part of this site may be reproduced in any form (photocopy, microfilm or otherwise) or utilized, copied or transmitted by using retrieval or electronic systems, without written permission from Reko GmbH, unless the contrary is expressly announced.


This website presents the latest information resulting from a constant working process with the Site. Although the information contained herein has been composed very carefully, contrimo GmbH takes no responsibility for the up-to-datedness, correctness or completeness of this information. This is also valid for any connections (“links”), to which this Website directly or indirectly refers. contrimo GmbH takes no responsibility for the content of sites opened by such links. In no event shall contrimo GmbH be liable for any damages or problems of any kind arising from the direct or indirect use of the information contained herein, being direct or indirect damages or consequential damages including loss of profits or damages resulting from the loss of data. We reserve the right to make changes of the information contained on this Server at any time without notice. All offers are without obligation.

Equal Opportunities at contrimo

Equal treatment goes without saying at contrimo. Nevertheless we wish that all texts in the contrimo website are easily comprehensible. Thus we use a neutral gender form as often as possible and where not possible, the form used in normal speech. We always mean all sexes.

The Legal Notice / Imprint also applies to the following Social Media Profiles:


Photo Credits

In addition to our own material, we also use images from the following sources in accordance with the terms and conditions of use stipulated therein. Should we erroneously violate the rights of others, please contact us immediately so that we can protect legitimate interests.


Copyright Law

The page content and material compiled by the website operator are subject to German copyright law. The reproduction, processing, distribution, and any type of utilization beyond that permitted under copyright law require the written approval of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this website are permitted only for private, noncommercial use. Insofar as the content of this website has not been compiled by the operator, the copyrights of third parties shall be respected. In particular, third-party content will be identified as such. In the event that you should, nonetheless, become aware of a copyright infringement, we request you to notify us accordingly. Once such legal infringements become known, we shall remove such content immediately.

Third-party use of the contact data published within the parameters of our Imprint obligation

Third-party use of the contact data published within the parameters of our Imprint obligation for the transmission of promotional material and information that is not explicitly solicited is hereby expressly prohibited. The website operators expressly reserve the right to enforce legal measures in the event, that promotional material or information is dispatched on an unsolicited basis, such as via spam emails.

Warnings without prior intimation ruled out

In the instance of issues involving legislation specific to competition, domain or copyright, or similar issues, we request you to contact us in advance so as to avoid unnecessary legal disputes and costs. Any invoice issued specific to a legal warning without prior intimation being given to contrimo GmbH will be rejected as unsubstantiated within the parameters of the obligation to minimize damages and, if necessary, a counter lawsuit will be filed in consequence of infringement of the aforementioned regulations.